A charity that works to support independence, empowerment and involvement in the community for disabled people, children and young people, parents and...
- Social
- Disabilities
- Young people
- Food
Open for emergency cases face-to-face, all others by video call or phone
- Pets
Local volunteers supporting the older community
- Older people
- Social
Barnardo's is a children's charity that protects and supports the UK's most vulnerable children and young people
- Young people
- Social
National charity providing radio/television sets to isolated and lonely people living in poverty. Many are over 75, and many are coming out of difficult...
- Older people
- Social
- Entertainment
- Domestic violence /sexual abuse
National self-help organisation for people under 50 who have been widowed. COVID-19 Update: Although our face-to-face meet ups are on hold for now, we have...
- Bereavement
- Social
A charity dedicated to improving the health of women and babies, to make a difference to lives today and tomorrow. Funds medical research and training grants...
- Wellbeing
Camden based youth club. Activities include discussion groups, trips, healthy lifestyle sessions, sports, games, opportunities to volunteer. Holiday...
- Young people
- Social
- Physical wellbeing
Provides health, housing and education services for rough sleepers in the Westminster area. During the closure of their Night Centre, they are paying for...
- Homelessness
Provides several social work services including: Katherine Price Hughes Approved Premises, housing residents who are offenders leaving prison to transition...
- Homelessness
The Church building is closed
- Homelessness
Independent and confidential advice for parents and others looking for information and advice on Special Educational Needs (SEN)
- Young people
- Disabilities